Prior to bidding, starting work and/or delivering materials to a job-site, the Status Report, supplemented by your own trade credit reporting, can give you a well-rounded view of your contractors and subcontractors worthiness. It can help show if you have a right to Lien, and how effetive a Lien will be, if one is filed.

A sample of this report is located on this site. This report includes License Number, Expiration Date of License, Key Principal, Years in Business, Liens, Suits and Judgments, and any Bankruptcies which appear on public record. It also includes their bonding company, amount of bond, as well as existing Suits and Judgments against their Contractors' bonds. Additionally, if this company had previously operated under a different name, this information will be included in the report.

This information is provided at no additional charge, on an unlimited based, FOR GENERAL SUBSCRIBERS ONLY.

Our Status Report, along with our Monthly Report, recaps activity in Washington State, and is available to our General Subscribers at no additional charge. It is included in our nominal retainer fee.

Information in the Status Report, dates back to 1955, and is limited to General and Subcontractors operating in Washington State. All items mentioned in the description of the report, are consolidated in each report.

If you have any questions, or if we can be of assistance, please contact us

For an example of the Status Info Form click here / For the Status Info Form Itself, please click here